Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) play a crucial role in evaluating a property's energy efficiency, offering valuable insights into areas where improvements can be made. By optimising your property's energy performance, you can potentially reduce energy costs, minimise your carbon footprint, and increase its appeal for sale or rental.

At CCW Surveys, our professional, friendly, and efficient approach ensures you receive accurate and actionable insights to enhance your property's energy performance.

Conveniently based in Windsor, CCW Surveys offers assessments across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey, Oxfordshire, and Greater London. Contact us today for a quote, or to schedule your EPC assessment with CCW Surveys and unlock the full potential of your property.

What is an EPC?

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document that provides an assessment of a property's energy efficiency. It ranks the property on a scale from A (most energy-efficient) to G (least energy-efficient). The EPC also includes recommendations for improvements that could help increase the property's energy efficiency, reduce energy costs, and minimise its environmental impact.

Why EPCs are Important and Their Benefits

EPCs are essential for several reasons:

  1. Legal Requirement: EPCs are mandatory when selling, renting, or constructing a property in the UK. Failure to provide a valid EPC can result in fines and penalties.

  2. Energy Savings: EPCs identify potential energy-saving improvements, helping property owners and tenants reduce energy bills and carbon emissions.

  3. Increased Property Value: Properties with higher EPC ratings are generally more attractive to potential buyers and tenants, potentially increasing the property's value and rental income.

  4. Informed Decision Making: EPC’s provide valuable information for homeowners, landlords, and housing associations, helping them make informed decisions about energy improvements and potential savings.

  5. Access to Funding and Green Mortgages: An EPC is often a pre-requirement for government grants, green financing and green mortgages. It is always a good idea to check with your lender to confirm their specific requirements for a green mortgage.

As a Domestic energy assessor, I am only qualified to assess domestic buildings, built before 2008.

Improving your property's energy efficiency

EPC’s include recommendations for improving a property's energy efficiency. These recommendations are tailored to the specific property and may include:

  • Installing loft, cavity wall, or solid wall insulation

  • Upgrading heating systems to more energy-efficient alternatives

  • Installing double or triple glazing

  • Using energy-efficient lighting, such as LED bulbs

Survey Process

The survey process typically takes 0.5 to 2 hours, depending on your home's size and complexity. During this time, I will inspect insulation, heating, lighting, ventilation systems, and any renewable energy sources. I will also measure and photograph your home's features to calculate its energy efficiency.

Before the survey, please ensure access to all areas of your home, including the loft, basement, and outbuildings. Provide any relevant documents or evidence of energy-efficient measures, such as floor insulation.

After the survey, I will create a report containing an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating and energy efficiency recommendations. The report will be emailed to you and uploaded to the central registry.

Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) and Energy Efficiency Consultation Service

As of April 2020, all privately rented properties require a minimum EPC of E, or to have been registered on the PRS Exemptions register. A cost cap of £3500 is currently in place, meaning that if an EPC of E can not be reached after spending up to the cap, an exemption can be made.

Current regulations going through Parliament, will require a C by 2025 for new tenancies and 2028 for existing tenancies. The cost cap is likely to increase too.

In addition to our EPC assessment we can also advice you on strategies to meet the current or new MEES. Based on information obtained through the EPC assessment and a discussion with yourself, we can produce a report detailing a variety of scenarios to reach the chosen MEES, including an estimation of costs and savings.